The way it goes down is this..
if you accept this invitation, submit your name in a comment on this post by October 9th. On October 10th I will have hubby draw the names to match everyone with a partner, SECRET partner that is.... I will email you the name of your partner and in your response to my e-mail I will need your snail mail address so your partner can mail you your Secret Santa gift!!! Then the fun begins, as you decide which "Christmas" quilt project you want to make for your partner. ( Table topper, bag, quilt, wall hanging and the list goes on) How exciting is that??? :)))))
Once you have decided which project you are going to make, you may blog about it and leave me a comment on this post but make sure you do not reveal the name of your Secret Santa swap partner...(Ahhhh so many secrets at Christmas time:)
(I hate a post with no eye candy so this fits this post)
I have not decided which project I will be making ( I want to wait and see who my partner will be and try to match her likes) but I will definitely be using
now the ground rules...******All Secret Santa Projects must be in the mail by December 1st.******
if for some reason you are unable to fulfill your commitment to the swap by Dec 1st please let me know.. .. It is so important that everyone receive their gifts in a timely fashion so they can enjoy it before the Christmas Season is all over and we do not want anyone to be left without a Secret Santa partner.
Have fun everyone..
"Tis the Season"!!!!
****Important message***** I am still missing some e-mail addresses and one in particular who does not have a blog; meaning I have no way of contacting you! Please forward them to me in an e-mail... Merci!
NOTICE... October 9th/10 The registration for the Secret Santa is now CLOSED...