Ouvrages d'une Acadienne

Ouvrages d'une Acadienne
Expo-Couverte Quilt Show

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Yes it is that time of the year... time to get ready for the Quilt show /Expo-couverte in Sacré-Coeur church (9650 Route 1) Saulnierville NS . 
It is always scheduled for the last week in July therefore the doors open on July 25th and closes on July 29th at 3:00 pm. 
Hours open: every day, but the Friday, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

 Hundreds of quilts will be on display again this year.  
Admission $5.00 per person
Lottery quilt this year.
Tickets on sale at the show.

Hope to see you in Saulnierville NS Expo-couverte.   

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the way you display your quilts in the church. I wish I could come up for the show, but that isn't likely to happen. I' sure you'll have great attendance. Hugs..
