Ouvrages d'une Acadienne

Ouvrages d'une Acadienne
Expo-Couverte Quilt Show

Friday, December 4, 2009

High Alert

Hi everyone..
I am not in the UK and I do not need funds to come home ....apparently someone has infiltrated my Yahoo account and is asking all my contacts for funds, I just tried to log in my yahoo mail and it won't accept my password so I cannot access my mail.....I will keep you posted ..
My son a computer technician, just called to reassure my that my yahoo account has been frozen for 24 hours because they noticed the scam and are taking precautions. So this is why I cannot access my e-mail. It is an awful feeling to have someone use your identity( no matter how minimal) to do harm to others....): DO NOT SEND FUNDS.... I am not in the UK ...as I said earlier maybe Florida????


  1. I just posted a warning about your issue on my blog. I have to admit, it did scare me to think that you were out there needing help.

  2. This happened to a friend here in NL! She called the police and the person is being charged with identity theft and other things... you should let them know the RCMP take this stuff seriously!!!

  3. Have no fear...if mom was ever in need, her family would ALWAYS be there! We can't have her stuck in the UK. There is baking to be done and presents to wrap:)

    Love you Mame! Liette XO

  4. I thought that was very sketchy...couldn't figure out how you made that wonderful fruit cake if you were in the UK. Hope you get it all straightened out.

  5. That's my Liette.. she forgot to mention there was sewing to be done too..How could she forget??? When she comes over she leaves with socks full of threads... love you lots Lie!

  6. I must admit at first I was concerned, but realized that your family would be the first to help, would they not??? Hang on tight to that purse! Happy baking, cooking, sewing etc....

  7. Oh man! what a pain...hope it gets sorted out real soon. In the meantime just keep busy with quilting!

  8. Oh Joan this is AWFUL! I'm so sorry your account got hacked - I wouldn't think that was even possible. I hope it gets sorted out quickly and you get your email back!

  9. I'm sorry Joan. Hope they get it fixed for you soon.

  10. ARGH!! Why don't those people take up quilting or knitting?? Be productive people!!! Hope you are up and running again soon.

  11. Oh my. That is very scarey indeed. I thought it was the oddest email. I deleted straight away and headed here. Bizarre to think that could happen. Sorry for the hassel, Joan! Have a good weekend.
