Thank you ladies for posting all your October projects. They are all wonderful and being the compulsive person that I am I would love to make one of each. I am looking forward to your posts of the finished projects. It is very important that you remember the CGQC promotes having fun, so don't feel pressured if you don't have time to finish them all in the month. There is always November and there is no Charming Girl's police :) who will knock on your door to arrest you because your project basket is not empty! Have fun Sewing.....
Now the excitement begins. The reason for this special giveaway is; as you know here in Canada Thanksgiving is in October. October 12 Th to be exact; so I thought it would be great to connect with the Charming girls before our special holiday and have you share your favourite Thanksgiving / Fall recipe with all the Charming Girls. If you have more than one then that is great too. (It can be desserts, entrées or side dishes, etc.) If cooking is not your forté but you have a favourite dish then maybe you can share that recipe from mom, grandma or friends. The recipes don't have to be of "haute cuisine" but something that is about you and your Thanksgiving/ fall traditions for example;( how to bake pumpkin seeds:)
I think it would be a wonderful way for us to make up a: ("Charming Girls Recipe Book ")
Thanksgiving is already this Monday here up North but I will put the deadline of special giveaway on the 15Th at which time I will post the tag.
So here is my favourite fall recipe:
Pumpkin Roll
Grease 10x15 inch jelly roll pan. Line with waxed paper. 
3 Eggs
¾ cup Granulated sugar
2/3 cup Cooked Pumpkin
¾ cup All-purpose flour
1 tsp. Baking Powder
1 tsp. Nutmeg
½ tsp. Salt
Beat eggs until frothy. Add sugar and beat until thick and light coloured.
Slowly beat in pumpkin.
Sift next 6 ingredients over top. Fold in carefully. Pour into prepared pan.
Bake in 375 degrees F oven for about 15 minutes until an inserted toothpick comes out clean. ( Do not over cook as it will be too dry to roll) Have a tea towel ready with icing sugar sprinkled over it.
Turn cake out onto sugar.Immediately after removing from oven and you have peeled off the waxed paper, while still hot; roll from short side, rolling cake and towel together.
Cool. Un-roll. Fill with the cream cheese filling below.CREAM CHEESE FILLING
8 oz. Cream Cheese, softened
1 cup Icing Sugar
¼ cup Butter or margarine
½ tsp. Vanilla
Beat all together. Spread over cake re-roll.

At this point I refrigerate it so the Cream cheese filling will firm a little before cutting

This cake freezes well and handy to have on hand for all those pot lucks, sports events, hostess gift when visiting a friend or having friends visit you. Enjoy! ♥♥♥
From Joan’s kitchen.Now for the exciting part. For every recipe you send me your name will go in for Kelly's draw of the $25.00 gift certificates but I will also put your name in for the special draw of this excellent quilt book by fellow Nova Scotians, Karen Neary and Diane Shink
And to make it more exciting I will have Karen sign the lucky winners' book when I go to the workshop given by Karen next week.
Along with the book I will send the lucky winner this kit for the Quilter's Angel. This is one of the selection I submitted for my October projects. (I wanted to make certain it was doable before giving it away.It turned out beautifully and I will post it soon.) It was designed by Terry Morberg for Applepatch Designs in Calgary Alberta Canada.
So get those recipes out and post them on your blog letting me know you have done so via this blog (or if you don't have a blog send me an e-mail).
As I serve my Thanksgiving dinner and give thanks for all the blessings, you quilters will be on my list.
Happy Thanksgiving Canadians! and an early wish goes out to our American friends.