Ouvrages d'une Acadienne

Ouvrages d'une Acadienne
Expo-Couverte Quilt Show

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's next?

HAPPY 50TH BARBIE: It's about time this happened to her....

I couldn't resist sending this picture to my friend Kelly from the CGQC http://cottoncharmquilts.typepad.com/charmingchatter/ So Barbie has substituted the form fitting jeans with the elastic waist band at 50... what is next at 60????

Oh ma! ma! I think this will be my read for a bit...


  1. Like I commented on Kelly's blog...THAT IS FUNNY!

  2. LOL - I saw that on Kelly's blog - too, too funny! I think I'll go get on my exercise bike now.

  3. Thanks so much for the laugh, Joan! And, I'm proud of you -- I just went for some comfort food!
