Where do the days and months go? Wow! It's that time again... Tag time at the...
This past Christmas I received a gift from my very dear friend Kelly, and she had labelled it "Some of My Favourite Things". This gift meant a lot to me because I was getting to know my friend better and to share with her, her favourite things. At once my thoughts came around having a tag for the CG&GQC on that similar topic so that we can share our favourite things and get to know each other better.
Pick out your favourite things ... and post them on your blog telling us a little bit about why they are your favourites and leave a comment here that your post is ready. Of course your name will go into the draw for one of two gift certificates from Cotton Charm.
I must say it was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be as my list could be very long.
Sewing is my absolutely, positively the most favourite thing I do and so it is fitting my list of favourite things... begins with something related to my "bestest" hobby
#1 on my list are...

Pre-cuts fabric....I think they are the best since sliced bread! It gives me the whole line of fabric, to use in scrap quilts and I love the patterns that are used with the pre-cuts. Of course I still have difficulty opening the charm packs and the jelly rolls, oh that is so painful to see them unroll as I cut the ribbon! The Fat Quarter Bundles; I try to keep them in order as long as I can as I pick from the bundle.
Oh! do I need therapy or what ?
And this brings me to my #2...

My quilt books and patterns...I love quilt books and patterns. When I am too tired to focus on sewing I sit and read and look through my pattern books....
I enjoy getting to know the designers...and learn new techniques... Of course that brings me to another therapy session as I would love to make them all.....
and along with my books comes #3

My magazine subscriptions are ... what else??? Quilt magazines!
There is nothing more appealing to me then when I get to the mailbox and my subscription is in. I usually put it on my chair for later reading when I turn my sewing machine off or early in the morning. Another area of caution ... I only allow myself to subscribe to two subscription at a time...but there is always the news stand ... I can pick some of the others there......
I must say "Fons and Porter" make the top of my list this year! #3 takes me away from my quilting......and I escape in various adventures through my novels......

My reading time is usually when I go to bed. I try to allow one hour of reading before I turn the light off. I find this lets me escape the work related brain waves.
And #4 the pampering is also on top of my list ......

Most evenings and in between my spa days
(which are absolutely my F A V O U R I T E)
I have a foot massage & soak with my favourite lotion of course. At this time I work on some appliqué pieces or other hand work. Followed by....

A foot massage and colored nails.......
Next #5 is absolutely yummy.....and so special because

My friend Kelly introduced me to this new scent. (Thank you Thank you so much Kelly....I absolutely love it....Of course our hospitals are all scent free ( where all my offices are) so I enjoy getting to use it on those special occasions.. like a Valentine dinner....
And #6... what else????

C H O C O L A T E... I never use to like the dark chocolate but I did make the change and I don't feel so guilty now when I indulge ..after all it is good for your health♥♥♥
So those are some of my favourite things . There would be many more things that would fit on the list, but these, I use on a daily/weekly basis.
I can't wait to see yours so leave me a comment which will link us to your list of
F A V O U R I T E things.
On this post leave a comment about your February finishes. I know some of you are
way ahead this month and have been very productive; so leave a comment and we'll all enjoy those gorgeous projects of the Charming Girls & Guys.