my friend Kelly from Cotton Charm Quilt Shoppe treated this and if there is an award to be won for the best therapist ...she gets it! I had mail today~!
I love ♥♥♥ mail , e-mail, voice mail and mostly Canada Post mail.......
And when I can connect with friends it makes it very special mail and to open a package from a friend who is thinking of me and that package contains????....yes Fabric......
The new line from Brannock and Patek.. "BLessings"! OMG, check it out at the Little Shoppe.. it is just b e a u t i f u l.
I haven't decided what I will make in the "Blessings" yet but it will be with my friend, Kelly, in mind.
I have to say my blues are all gone.... no time to be down, there's a quilt to be made!