Our friend Kelly has been experimenting, and I would say very successfully, with "French Cooking"., for that reason I think this quilt deserves a little french flare and I would like to call it." Kelly's Chic Coverlet" . I think this commemorates her new french adventure in the kitchen.
Next, I have to use the letters in my first name to list characteristics about myself.
J........I would say this stands for "jugler". I am often told I have the ability to jugle many tasks at once .
I would say it also stands for "jovial" because I love a good laugh, and good times .
O... that definately stands for open minded. I am very receptive to new information and love the challenges of new ideas especially in quilting, of course♥♥♥
.....optomistic is another characterestic, I always try to dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation:
A.... Addicted to chocolate and maybe;...... a little........ to quilting...
.......active.. I am involved in many activities which would also characterize me as being
.......ambitious requiring full use of my abilities and resources
....... I am also anal.... I can be very compulsive or very picky about doing things a certain way
N...nice and natural...(hee hee) "What you see is what you get"....
So here is the September tag
I like the title you suggested...very French! Ooh La La! hehehe!!! I enjoyed reading your answers.