Secret Santa
In October the CGQC had a mini quilt swap, hosted by Charming girl, Kris and as I visit everyone's site who took part in it, it is obvious this project produced a lot of excitement. Many have expressed the desire to do it again. The quilts are A L L soooooo gorgeous by the way!Christmas is a very special time of the year and there is nothing more warming than to be with family and friends. It would be wonderful if we could all get together and as Kelly often says "If I were Oprah".... we would do just that. I would get everyone to come to Nova Scotia♥♥♥! But that is not going to happen no matter how good a girl I have been and how many times I wish for it :(So the next best thing?
I thought it would be fun for the Charming Girls to have Secret Santa and better still be a Secret Santa .
Here is how the Secret Santa exchange will take place..... For those of you Charming Girls who want to participate you will e-mial me your blog and snail address, (I promise I will not sell it to anyone)and I will partner you with a Secret Santa. You can make any project you wish:ornament, Table Topper, placemats, coasters, mini quilt, bag or if you wish, you may buy a gift; but it would have to be related to quilting. The idea of the gift you choose should be determined by visiting that person's blog to see if you can determine their interest. If any of you who don't have a blog wish to take part you will e-mail me something about you and your interest and I will pass it on to your Secret Santa.
I know I am jumping into December ahead of time but I am posting this now because we all know what a busy season it can be and we do want our gifts to reach our recipient before Christmas and not after. If you make the decision to participate please honor your pledge but if something happens you are not able to, please please let me know you will not be able to participate so no one is left without. Submit your names to me by Novemebr 20th so your Secret Santa can go visit your blog and decide what to pack in his Santa's sack for his Charming Girl♥♥♥
HO HO HO....... 
OMG! I LOVE IT! (giggling) That is such a fun idea...I'm in! And even though Christmas is only about 6 weeks away, it will give us time to plan. HO! HO! HO!
ReplyDeleteHello! I'm just wondering if there is going to be a $$$$ limit? I'm on the fence about signing up?!
ReplyDeleteI don't even know if I can b/c I missed the CGQC sign-up!
I just l-o -v -e the way Santa is peeking at me over his glasses...Santa melts my heart everytime.
ReplyDeleteJoan, your heart is as big as Santa's.
hi Joan, I'd love to participate in the Secret Santa Swap. Count me in.
ReplyDeleteHi Joan! Count me in. Happy weekend!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like fun! Count me in!
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to join in! My friend Carol referred me to your blog :)
ReplyDeleteHi Joan, new to your blog - hopped over from my sister Carol's blog. I would love to participate - not seeing how to get your email address :/
ReplyDeleteHi Joan, new to your blog; would love to join the Secret Santa Swap! I am not a blogger, but love Cotton Charm Shopping and learned of your site at Kelly's. Love, Linda
Note:Reside in the Rocky Mts. of Montana with my husband James; love machine quilting,any type of stitchery,baking. Thanks Joan!
Ha Ha.. I think this swap was for 2009 and not for this year 2010.. Oh well, at least I'm trying to make sure that I'm in !!! Well I have still enjoyed looking at the blogs, I love 30's fabric and I have gotten some WONDERFUL new patterns.. Thanks and still if you decide to do a Secret Santa for 2010, I'm still in..
ReplyDeleteJune --